Discover How a Man Heals From His Painful Past

About the Author
Carl Buccellato is a second generation Italian American born in Brooklyn N.Y. in 1942. After earning a B.S. and M.B.A. he pursued several occupational sectors over his 60 year career. From his early days as a merchant in New York City to becoming the CEO of a publicly traded company, Carl traveled the globe gathering insight and life’s lessons from the many and diverse people he met along the way.
As a faith filled man, Carl has been blessed to use his talented voice to sing in several choirs throughout the years. In 1992 Carl received a special invitation to sing in Notra Dame Cathedral in Paris France.
Listed below are some of Carl’s Corporate accomplishments.
Co-Founder and CEO of Home Owners Group which he took public on the New York Stock Exchange in 1986
Member of the Board of:
Ellie Mae Inc, which went public on the NYSE in 2011
Joe Demagio’s Children’s Hospital
Memorial Hospital of South Florida
St. Thomas University (Trustee)
Today Carl and his wife Mary Ellen reside in South Florida.
Inspired in part by his own life’s journey the author, Carl Buccellato weaves a fascinating story around the fictitious main character simply referred to as ‘The old man with white hair.’
The words failure, success, loser and winner all come into clarion view one day for our main character, as he opens up the bottom draw of an old filing cabinet tucked in the back of his garage. In doing so he discovers a piece of his past neatly compiled inside a faded brown folder held together with green rubber band. Pulling up a chair, he takes a seat for he knows what is in this compilation of journals, notes, and letters. These writings buried in the filing cabinet, like Lazarus buried in the tomb, were about to be resurrected. In doing so he must face the truth of his earlier years and measure it against the truth of his present existence.
With each page turned he revisits the old friends he met along the way as he traveled the globe searching for success, fulfillment, purpose, and a sense of self worth. Did these people, places, and experiences teach him anything of substance and value? Was he a better man for having traveled this road? Or was he so wounded and scarred that he wept with pain and regret?
Go on this journey with the white haired gentleman and allow his journey to speak to you about your own. In doing so, find the courage to persevere as you seek to achieve your own goals and dreams while reflecting on your past experiences. It’s never too late to learn and grow.
"...a time to plant and a time to reap. To everything there is a season." - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8